Juan D Chacon


A data scientist with a passion for real-world practice. I seek to work in an environment that will challenge me further while allowing me to contribute to the continued growth and success of organizations.

Reach me at: juandados@gmail.com

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Work Experience Summary

Work Experience Detail



Data Science

Itau Data Challenge

Building a predictive model that allows to predict the purchase of 5 banking products, to better guide future campaigns. Challenge description

MeLi Data Challenge [Comming Soon!]

Building a Machine Learning Model to predict the next user purchase based on his historic navigation data. Our approach uses Spark for data ingestion, a text classifier and lots of common sense.

Movie Recommendation System

A movie recommendation engine from written reviews using collaborative filtering based on low-rank matrix factorization implemented in Python.

Deep Learning

Gait Inference Using Pose Estimation

A simple methodology for gait prediction based on computer vision that can be used to assist the design process of lower limb active prosthesis. Our proposal uses YOLOv2 for person detection, a human pose estimator build from ResNet-50 and a long-short term memory recurrent network as prediction model.

Other Projects

Safe Coverage of Compact Domains For Second Order Dynamical Systems

A MATLAB implementation of Safe multi-agent coverage for moving domains using artificial potentials for consensus and Hamilton Jacobi collision avoidance.

A Wearable for Gait Estimation

Implementation of a wearable sensor for gait estimation using the MPU 6050 (Accelerometer, Gyroscope, 6 Axis Sensor) on top of an ESP32 (for reading and bluetooth comunication). The data loging and postprocessing is done using python.

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